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Teh arte ov purpusly mispleeling ae worde, nam, ect.

purson 1: did you hear that Luckass's name got Daved?
purson 2: do you mean Lucas and what the fuck does Daved mean?
person 1: Daved is the art of purposely misspelling a word name ect.
purson 2: oh, OK. so, your a fucking idiot.

by This is a test, wake up. April 26, 2021


Getting lied to by a low life piece of trash. Similar to the term Joshing

I was talking to my dude Jef and he totally daved me on his story about being a ladies man

by Burdurboy05 March 9, 2020


The act of suddenly going to the washroom immediately after noticing a waterworks driver

He comes Tony with 4 pages, I guess I'm gonna have to do it since I just got daved

by Jaheheorjdb February 3, 2021


Stretching of ones asshole to the point of no return. Usually by a guy named david.

Me and my partner were having sex last night and I got daved so bad.

David came over last night daved me pretty good.

I got daved so bad last night, that when I had to go the bathroom, I stood up and it was like a waterfall.

David daved Andrew so bad that it took him a week to walk again, let alone stand up.

Last night I got daved and by this morning you stick practically anything up there.

When to the Dr today for a prostate check and the dr lost hand. He replied to me "been daved latley?"

by NOS4A2 December 19, 2021


When you lend money to someone and don't get it back

A : "Man I never got back the money he owed me for pizza that night"
B: "Bruh you just got Daved"

by thegrapemane February 26, 2021


Drunk enough to try dance and fall flat on the ground like Santan Dave on his 21st birthday

Person 1: yo wtf happened yesterday?
Person 2: fuck bro I can’t even remember we was daved
Person 3: Oi fuck it I’m getting daved again tonight

by realsav223 June 7, 2019


When a friend says some thing so ridiculous do you want to just punch yourself in the face.

Josh: I just got off the phone with Diamond Diva Dave. He has sulfur burps and diarrhea; now he needs to quarantine for 14 days

Brad: Dude, you just got DAVED!

by Sausage king 802 April 14, 2021