Source Code

Dead or Alive

A 3d fighting game which is yet another ripoff of SEGA's Virtua Fighter, except that Dead or Alive caters to the lowest common denominator by featuring female characters with perfect bouncing breasts and plenty of panty-revealing kicks. Basically, the virtual chicks practically make the game sell itself well since, after all, there are plenty of sexually-repressed teenage/college males out there who will never score with a real girl anyway.

I couldn't stop playing Dead or Alive 3 today because I was drooling when I did a 9-hit tag-team combo with the female characters Kasumi and Helena. ^_^

by AYB February 18, 2003

30๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dead inside

The person reading this post.

Why are you doing this you dead inside person. Do some real work.

by Deadinsidedumbass442 December 16, 2018

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Dead Hand

Male or female masturbation with a hand that is numb from being sat on or some similar blood flow restriction

I had a Dead hand wank when I woke up and found my hand was numb

by InterestedGeek March 10, 2010

16๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dead Birds

A Hardcore gang in the Central Valley of California. Includes various freaks and misfits. Each member has a name, and of course, each name is a bird. The founders call themselves; Hawx and Shags.
The gang has no specific purpose, with no prominent enemy.

Me: "Dude, why the ---- do you have 'Crow' tattoo'd on your wrist."
David crow "Porque I'm a part of Dead Birds now, ese."
Me: "Dear god, they got you too?"

by Sammy Hawx[not] September 26, 2006

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make dead

V - to make someone dead is to masturbate on them, while looking at them, without them knowing, and then ejaculate on them. It only counts if you are male and they are also male, otherwise youre just being creepy. This is also called killing them. If you survive the longest without being killed, you are the winner and the game starts over.

"i totally made alex doyle dead the other day."
"yeah to make dead another person is awesome"

by cdawg116 December 4, 2008

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Dead Trim

A really bad haircut.
Also referring to caolan o'brien's hair

Caolan has some dead trim

by KieranQuinn June 6, 2017

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Dead bored

bored till like a dead person.

Alissa : heyy girl, hows yesterday?
Me : dead bored.

by Beandots January 29, 2009

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