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Easter high-five

a special high-five used around the Easter season in which both high-fivers form an egg shape with their hands and clash the eggs together

Phil: Well, I think we deserve an Easter high-five.

by Ria G April 5, 2015

Condolence High Five

Condolence high fives are no different from ordinary high fives, except that they are offered in condolence rather than in celebration.

Ted had the most horrible date; because Barney could relate to his sadness, he offered Ted a Condolence High Five.

by Solo Amadeus April 11, 2022

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


the catch phrase for that one night on a choir trip AND most importantly the words that turn Will Oney on.

"Schfifty-five schififty-five" he whispered in the dark. Like the little engine that could going, "I think I can, I think I can."

by CassieDisaster January 26, 2006

5๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dead Mow Five

A common mispronunciation of the Progressive House musician Deadmau5 (Pronounced Dead Mouse).

Jill: I can't wait to see Dead Mow Five live!

by The Bacon Hacker August 21, 2013

Five finger discount


How much was that?
I got it for a five finger discount.

by jamesbrown April 22, 2003

1219๐Ÿ‘ 144๐Ÿ‘Ž

menstrual high-five

Usually initiated by the guy, an act and symbol of relief that one's lady friend is menstruating and thus, not pregnant. For example, if your girlfriend is on an oral contraceptive and you decide to pull the goalie for the season, one may start to worry that the pill may not be 100% effective. In this instance, one is excited when that time of the month comes and upon hearing of Aunt Flow's visit, a menstrual high-five is warranted.

Guy: hey babe, this party blows. Wanna sneak into the laundry room and fuck on their dryer?

Girl: I can't. I got my period this morning...

Guy: Whew! Menstrual high-five!!!

*puts up arm with a Todd-from-Scrubs-like grin*

by hardcore Rx May 7, 2011

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Hanoi high five

A Hanoi high five is derivative from the term used in the film 'Tropic Thunder', but has evolved into a sexual move.

A Hanoi high five is where your partner is on the bottom preferably , when they're are at the point of orgasm (liberating the south) you land a bomb/grenade to the dome. There are variations of the finishing move, i.e throwing them out of your house/flat/village/country , ejaculating or ask them to concede victory.

This move can also be used on the back foot, an example below.

The first example would be in a forced sexual situation where you are not the aggressor.
1. He mounted me and when he was about to liberate the south, Bam Hanoi High five.

Another example for emergency situations

1. You are making love, she decides to tell you at the point of liberation "hey you want to meet my parents", Hanoi high five, a perfect gesture to decline that meet.

by _GreenEggs&Ham_ June 15, 2019