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amy sky

Amy sky is a name that's rare for being a name. It means that she may be disliked by a lot, but when that right person comes along and takes their time to get to know her he truly amazed at who loveing she is. So if you know an Amy Sky be nice to her, you don't know what she's been through,and what she's capable of.

A name for a baby girl.
Amy sky is a girl who a lot of do not like b/c they don't know her.

by Violet bishop November 21, 2016

Tears From a Sky Clown

1. Verb: To achieve ridiculous goals through ridiculous means.

2. Noun: The condensation formed on the skin of a Sky Clown as it flaps about in the morning dew. The process of officially acquiring these tears is as follows: Place the Sky Clown outside between the hours of midnight and 3am, wait until 7am with correct weather conditions which would produce dew on an average lawn, and then wring the moisture from said Sky Clown before 9am.

My boss wants me to wash my teeth without a brush for the next week, but still wants me to be clean! It's like milking tears from a sky clown over here.

by jimmies be rustled April 8, 2020

sky kink

The act of railing in the sky turning you on.
Usually on a plane

“Yo did you hear Jake has a sky kink?”
“Yeah I found that out after I went on a trip with him and his girlfriend last month

by Bangchans_bestie July 17, 2022

sky plant

sky plant is weed, cannabis that gets you so high you feel like your in the sky

man 1: yo I got you the weed

man 2: is it a sky plant?

man 1: fuck yeah

by LIl NAZ May 25, 2018

Wake Up In The Sky

wake up in the sky is an amazing song by gucci mane and the chorus will make anybody sing

this song is so good
is it Wake Up In The Sky
Then it fucking sucks

by narutosexual November 2, 2021

Sky cheetah

Sky cheetahs will steal you wallet, they hide behind the clouds and wait for the perfect moment.

“Man that sky cheetah just stole my wallet.”

by Mr.Fojazz January 22, 2021

Sky-line Chili Slaw Dog

When you are fucking a girl in the ass on an airplane in the bathroom at 30,000 feet without a condom on. You cum in her ass, pull out, then strap a condom on and proceed to fuck her in the ass. When finished, when you pull out. Your dick is now officially a sky-line chili slaw dog.

Sky-line Chili Slaw Dog.

Sky = airplane bathroom

Sky-line Chili = the shit from her ass.

Slaw = your cum that gets on your dog from her ass.

Dog = your dick in the condom.

by dude sweats. December 29, 2009