Source Code

Black Knees

a condition where ur born with black knees and u have to scrub it with tumeric to make it lighter.

damn i have black knees
just use tumeric
slay, it worked

by potato1109 February 3, 2025

Knee push or knee button

A visual artist or light architect, who hands are occupied pushing buttons, and he runs out of limbs to push with...he uses his knees to press the other buttons to go pew or kaboom. (Action)

My hands were occupied with buttons darling, had to use the good ole knee push or knee buttoned to get the other two.

by finlind September 10, 2017

Dragging Knee

The art of leaning a Sport Bike or SuperMoto, to the point where your inside knee starts to touch the Asphalt

"Valentino Rossi is the King of Dragging knee, and pulling G's

by rossi_cultist January 18, 2022


Whenever you are sorta being a bitch.

Pronounced similar to the name "Nico"

Person 1: Murders Person 2's whole family

by Jerry Smith's Dog November 14, 2021

Ski and knee

The action of sliding in the tub on your knees to partake in oral sex

Got the good ski and knee last night from the best Cheryl

by You know already 145 February 7, 2020

Knee knee eggs

The skin fat surrounding the upper part of ones knee

“Stop pinching my knee knee eggs, you know that tickles!!!”

by Babybumblex January 4, 2022

Knee Glider

In Rainbow Six: Ravenshield, these are the terrorists that glide across the map on their knees instead of running.

Mostly, it reflects poor AI node placement by the map maker. Often, these tangos are the hardest to kill because their animation is much faster and erratic.

Ah shit, that last tango is a knee glider. Anyone have a flashbang left?

by F25_Xanatos November 23, 2010