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Ryan fucking wheeler

If you look in the dictionary under stoner you’ll see Ryan fucking wheeler

by Yeetusdafeetus42069 October 2, 2021


someone who smokes more than 3 drugs , snorts coke , and is always h!gh🍃

allí ah: aye that dude adrian fine ash

malinda:gurl be careful he a stoner fr fr

by braazymshollywood👅🚶🏻‍♀️ March 28, 2021


1. The person reading this definition.
2. The person writing this definition.

I’m such a stoner I thought it’d be funny to write this

by $tomer January 20, 2024


A person who usually takes a lot of drugs, especially marjiuana. And enjoys life more than most people.

Hey,you know that guy Nick...well he enjoys life more than most people! Stoner

by Stoner3883929263 December 14, 2014


A stoner is a person who smoke weed as much as possible like everyday ever other day 🌬🌬. somebody who smokes one or two times a month is not a stoner so try to acted like one .😘😘

She smokes weed every day she is a stoner💨💨

by Tired of all them fake stoners July 19, 2017


A.K.A a weed smoking faggot.

Tommy is a stoner.

by RedepicfaceRedepio November 20, 2017


People who live on Stone st in Wrightsville Beach, NC

These stoners went to Jimmy’s to grab a drink

by WBcrew June 29, 2023