When your friend refuses to eat at a restaurant with you, which prevents you from taking advantage of a buy-one, get-one free situation.
I was trying to go to Cane's for lunch, but Andrew BOGO Blocked me.
When you only get to third base because she's dick tease.
I was gonna score but she was blocking the plate.
When your kidneys come out of your body to kick some ass. Side effects may include death.
This guy tried to kidney punch me, but luckily i kidney blocked that motherfucker. Still haven't gotten my kidneys back though.
A condition where a free-style builder has nothing to build and is stuck, similar to Writers Block and commonly mistaken for Building Blocks
"I have no creative juices to build any more, I have Builders Block."
Unable to think about what to post on snapchat
Why haven’t you been posting on snap chat?
I have snappers-block
Its like a cock block, but for girls.
"I don't want to twack block you"
Taken from the movie Friends with Benefits.
Preventing another person from attending a music festival or concert by 1) employing mental or emotional manipulation devices, 2) being involved in some accident or tragedy, 3) having or causing a family emergency, or 4) scheduling a conflicting event such as a court hearing, wedding or funeral.
I had tickets to Bonnaroo but my sister rock blocked me by getting married that weekend.