Ventidarling is a friend of mine who likes nsfw smut and likes fart
M ventidarling/poopie
A fat cunt who doesn't know when to stop.
My god, shut up you Dumby Poopy Pants
a special type of microwave that is used to revive the smell of poop or crap after it has expired
i wanted to make my friends porch stink up something horrid but all i had was some old bear stool, and some old dog crap, so i revived the fumes with my "poopy nooker"
A downer, sulker, belly-acher, killjoy; being cranky or grumpy
Guy 1: Man what's wrong with him?
Guy 2: Oh he's just being a poopy pants.
poopy pants eats ant and like granting wishes he is an scrant
the most hurtful and offensive insult that can be used against anyone. is known to be banned in several countries
guy 1: ur mom is really ugly
guy 2: ok poopy pants
guy 1: *starts crying*
when you get shit on so bad that your hands turn to shit bcuz of how bad you get tossed shit on and etc . if you get Poopi haned it means ur so bad compared to the other player bcuz either they are so good and ur bad or your super bad and they are average
Get Poopi haned my G i BET ur crying now you got zero hits on me Take this "L"