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Ray Bate

Ray Bate is rhyming slang to "hate".

I Ray Bate him.

by Timbo007 April 26, 2011

Odyssey Ray

An odyssey ray is a ray of light that happens on a long journey. This can be compared to a good day through a month, year or week. I’m lowkey lying but isn’t that pretty

Today was like an odyssey ray throughout my week.

You’re like an odyssey ray to me.

by THEQUEEEEEEEN22222 March 13, 2024


The person you will prefer in the world. When he loves he doesn't count and he floods you with love. His cute face makes anyone fall in love with him. A guy who is smart, funny, athletic and much more creative than he thinks. Without him life sucks

Ray-Jee is amazing, dedicated and ambitious, long live Ray-Jee.

by armanine November 21, 2021

Sugar Ray motherfker

A “cool uncle” with a patch of bleached hair. He’s an an occasional base playera d swears too mouth in front of kids.

Oh, Jesse. Yeah. He’s a Sugar Ray Motherfker. He’s stuck in 2001, just bleached his hair... again. He needs to settle down.

by Hernandy December 6, 2020

Ray Chance

Street Magician/illusionist based out of Toronto Ontario. Featured on Much Music, CityTV.

Ray Chance - Mind bending magic tricks and illusions.

by Unknown416 June 19, 2011

ray effect

Anyone close to rayyan immediately becomes more attractive

bro lets be friends with ray so we can get the ray effect.

by mopsweeper93 March 31, 2021

Ray Bear

A Ray Bear is a ball of sunshine, they will brighten your day even if they are feeling bad themselves. They need to be reminded that their not alone sometimes but its all worth it in the end when you see them beam. They are the greatest people ever truly one of a kind so never let them go if you find one.

Ray Bears are incredible people and I never want to lose mine

by MamaKoalaBear March 9, 2023