Clocks have pointers called hands, but personally I think they should be called fingers instead.
clocks can tell time.
I like clocks.
Abrir un programa que no querías abrir
Sinónimo de malclickar
"He hecho clock en el Autocad"
a clock-like measuring instrument used to record data other than time, like an odometer, taximeter, or speedometer.
The delivery truck's distance was tracked by a special clock on the dashboard, recording miles driven like a regular clock keeps track of time.
A measuring device of something we will always be in shortage of.
Hot clock.
yeah the time is tickin' even faster now.
When you mis-spell cock but it's too late so you just browse through a page about time-keeping devices.
Steve: Damn I want to look up cock
Also Steve: *mis-spells cock*
Also also Steve: oh well, guess I just masturbate to clocks