No, no you can't
1: Damn, look at dat ass!
2: That's Paige, she's lesbian
1: Really? I can turn her straight.
2: Dude...
Short for the hardening of what was once soft.
“My veins have turned to bone” My veins, once the lively rivers of my essence, have turned to bone – fortress walls weathered by the relentless passage of time. In their stoic transformation, they bear witness to the battles fought and the enduring spirit forged through the ages
To turn someone off an idea when it’s so horrendously bad by explaining their own idea to them.
Ben Watts: I'm turn them off the idea.
Riley Stokes: I love Bunnies!
Ben Watts: That doesn’t mean you need to breed them!
1.) An expression used after one is disrespected with a hardcore roast.
2.) An expression used to show up your haters
Jimmy: *Wearing Lebron sneakers*
Jamaal: Yo you got Lebrons... Hair Line
Overhearing Bystander: OH MY GOD JIMMY TURN IN YO SHOES
Kid that dropped out of high school to become a rapper and becomes successful: To all my haters y'all can TURN IN YO MOTHERFUCKING SHOES
the main event at a Bay Area play party
We're turning an old Volvo into a goat at Eunice's party tonight. I hear that Bob and Mortimer are participating.
From November 14th 2023 to November 19th 2023, the Twitter user made a poll of a Your Turn To Die ship battle, the ship Shadshin was suggested and added as a joke, but Shadshin soon started taking up the Your Turn To Die Twitter, and spawning two twibbon campaigns, edits, and fanart, as well as many, many quote retweets. Shadshin won all the polls up to the final one, beating Ransara and almost beating Naoreko, Shadshin was declared the winner as a joke and everyone celebrated on the Yttd Roblox Rolplay server.
“Hey do you remember the “Your Turn To Die” Shadshin Twitter Ship Poll Takeover?”
“Don’t. Fucking. Mention. It.”