Fucking Peter to make love to Paul
Fucking Peter to make love to Paul
This girl means the world to me. To the moon and back to fucking heaven and back. No star in the universe multiple universes cant be brighter than her. She’s the best thing that has ever happened to me. To heaven and back meaning I would die and go to heaven and come back and nothing even then would be better than her she is my heaven and nothing can contain that. 👀👀👀NOTHING
Girls who will do anything for male approval and attention that their parents didn't give them.
"That bitch is totally making thirst traps, probably has daddy doesn't love me syndrome.
hayden loves alexsa so much more and he thinks she is so beautiful and is such a nice woman
hayden loves alexsa more then alexsa loves hayden
i love the fuck out of my sons keep scrolling
i love my sons and thats the tea
A love goblin is a child who is unruly and out of control.
Your love goblin should be punched in the face for acting up
Giving just as good as recieving
Guy 1
Do you show love
Guy 2
Mmm yes I do
Guy 1 'whips out the m'am er jammer showing love '