Someone of masculine sex who is attracted only to other members of the masculine sex.
Son: How come the Pastor at my church was telling the children about gay people?
Father: I don’t know son. Are you gay?
Son: Yes father, I am very happy.
Father: Good son, I hope you marry a beautiful man one day.
When a guy likes another guy or a guy wants to have sex with a guy
but da boyz are gay no excuses even with the no homo you know for f###s sake you wanna... 😯
Da Boyz: *gang bangs Jake
Jake: WTF dude that was so gay
Da Boyz: Chill dude it was just a prank
One of the guys still f###ing Jake: No homo 😏
bad woke innapropiate dont be gay its woke and butt weiner isnt normal DO NOT BE GAY
my teammate that was afk the whole round
if you join a game and then go do something else and have your partners clutch the whole mission you are gay