Source Code

Hitler finds out "X"

Used in YouTube videos.
A subtitles-only edit of a scene in "Downfall" movie, where Hitler complains about his war operations/circumstances, strictly in German, in order to create an impossible to understand German yelling and complaining along with edited subtitles.
Example: "But my Fuhrer, fegelin is gay" "What? I will kill that faggot!!! Fegelein! Fegelein! Fegelein!!!"

Hitler finds out "X" (Title)
(Insert wrong subtitle german translation here and yelling hitler)

by STFUNIGGA April 12, 2018

Hitler's enlarged ball sack

one of the many odd creatures of this world, Hitlers enlarged ball sack roams the wild terrain of Germany, striking fear into anyone that see's it. it's daily diet consists of Nazi flags and dead Nazi soldiers. it will attack anyone wearing the colors red and white, often resulting the person to shout "BEGONE THOT" which will drive the ball sack away. be weary of this creature, it roams Germany with balls of steel.


dude, stop acting like Hitler's enlarged ball sack.

Time to take Hitler's enlarged ball sack on a walk today!

by hjiweiejeijwerwerwerewerwe July 3, 2018

To Go Kill Some Hitlers

Because any of your sperm can grow up to be Hitler so masturbating is the new service to our country because it protects the world from Hitler. Optional ending is, "God Bless America".

Me: Well Im going to go kill some Hitlers.

Friend: Ok dude, just wash your hands when your done.

Me: Ok.

Me: "ugh ugh UGH UGH!!!! AHHH!!! God Bless America!"

by shark1669661 September 17, 2010

24๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sexy black hitler

Sexy Black hitler is very sexy, black and pretty nazipazi. He loves to hang out with satan and his boyfriend saddam hussein. They do orgys and threesomes all the time.

Look! That guy is sexy black and is having a threesome with satan and saddam hussein. He must be a Sexy black hitler!

by Kakboll November 7, 2022

3๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Adolf Hitler (Herr Fuhrer)

The Leader of The German Worker's Party which later became the National Socialist, or Nazi, Party. Wrote an autobiography entitled "Mein Kampf" (or My Struggle/Battle) describing his national extremist point of view and intense hatred of Jews and the "Jewry", which they brought about. A man "mit grosse Probleme und kleiner Mast," as his close commrades Rommell, Hess, and Himmler often quipped in the midst of the second World War. In 1944, after losing ground in Sicily and the Italian mainland, he realized that his pointless war to prove that Deutschland truly was "uber alles" would most likely falter. In 1945, he blew his fucking brains out because he finally realized that his mind was his own worst enemy.

Heil Adolf Hitler (Herr Fuhrer)! Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil!

by Mike Potter September 8, 2005

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Hitler Wiped his Ass

The "Hitler Wiped his Ass" Fallacy is a logical fallacy which states that criticisms cannot be made by comparing the subject to another thing because said thing had common traits as well.

Person of Reason: Being anti-semetic makes you like Hitler
Idiot: Well Hitler wiped his ass too so I guess we're all Nazis for using toilet paper

by GreenTeaMoxie January 23, 2022

The guy who killed hitler


Hitler is the guy who killed hitler

by Rusheeeeeeeeeeeee August 8, 2022

7๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž