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I have feelings for him but will never tell him. I could have but I didn’t. I was scared, i still am. Very big heart, very attractive, kinda perfect in all aspects. Deserves a good girl that will reciprocate his compassion and love. Wish i could give that to him but that’s ok

Dude Mason is so great

by hentailuver69420 March 9, 2022


The coolest guy on planet earth is super funny and likeable. Likes to play video games and play sports and have fun.

Friends 1: OMG he's so hot I cant stopppp
Friend 2: OMG, it is another Mason??
Friend 1: YES, How did you know.

by StuntManMason February 5, 2022


A horrible middle-eastern origin chav that films white teenagers like Purple Aki whenever they see them. They also hang around with older people, and gang up on people, they call anyone's transportation items rubbish

'You've got a fanny bike! (Whips phone out
'Fuck off, Mason.'

by шиншилла March 6, 2022


mason likes big black balls and sucks 99 inch cocks

and hes a fem boy

mason is horny

by April 8, 2022


Could take dick and give dick
Either way it's hot

Mason was with Logan at the club last night

by XxxMumsxxX December 30, 2022


Mason is a man who could either take dick or give dick
Either way he's pretty sexy

Woah was that Mason with Jared last night at the club?

by XxxMumsxxX December 30, 2022


Mason licks toes

Mason likes to lick hairy toes

by Heloo08 July 15, 2023