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Up-cultured - when you treat everyone as equals

He’s not a cunt he’s just not up-cultured around women

by Slam-Dunk November 12, 2022

KOZY Culture

Kozy Culture is a term used to describe a lifestyle that is focused on comfort, relaxation, and self-care. It is characterized by activities such as taking long baths, reading, spending time outdoors, and engaging in creative pursuits. It is also associated with minimalism, sustainability, and simplicity. In much simpler terms, a kick-ass brand with sweet deals, original products, and a badass community behind it!

I can't believe I spent my kid's entire college tuition fund on KOZY Culture items.

by KOZY Culture December 6, 2022

Culture eater

As opposed to social eater or hunger eater, a person who enjoys more of the cultural elements of a type of food, cuisine, or dining place, eating habit etc etc. A culture eater is usually a savvy vicarious learner, who emulates an observed bahior of eating, by doing which he derives pleasure and satisfaction from the very act of eating in this particular way, instead of from the food itself. The culture eater takes the eating experience to a new level.

A culture eater watched a Bear Gryll wild survival documentary, and he rushed to his backyard tries to dig out bug larva.

A guy dresses up like a 19th century English gentleman and perambulate into a traditional posh restaurant, and dines like a 19th cent gentleman, although the food hardly filled him up nor he liked any of the food in particular.

A guy travels to Vietnam and eats insects on a stick for a week, even though he knows he will be malnutritioned or even sick.

by Regius December 8, 2010


This term describes the way some people are not being exact in their language. It can be used very broadly

Person one: I hate the ish-culture!
Person two: What does that even mean?

by LessDestiny October 26, 2020

Troll Culture

A kind of cultrue, named troll culture. It is a kind of person who fucks other.

Troll culture isn't good for you.

by yoyohoow July 23, 2022

Culture Merger

Is when something on the internet leads to a new subculture being formed merging two.
It is the juxtaposition the internet has given us all. With the accessibility of every culture being publicly traded on the internet. These cultures are merging and forming entirely new cultures as one. Things that were once worse enemies before the internet are merging to become one. Namely Emo Rap and a slew of others.

Genre bending like Suicide Year and Waka Flockas gritty lyrics to a melodic not sinister sounding song. This dates further back to CrunkCore, Ninjasonik "Tight Pants Wearing Ass Ni**a", and The Hood Internet. Lil B was a popular proto-pioneer using VG samples and so was SGP in introducing hip hop to goth. It can be seen on all social media. Hipster cultures parodying and willingness to crossover became pop culture through the internet. Kanye West, Dipset, and Pharrell Williams were proto internet pioneers merging rock or in Yes and Pharrells case electronica and rock n roll/eurodesigner styles.

For contrast in the 80s like in the Compton movie Tears For Fears was frowned on by Ice Cube on the bus. In this digital age modern equivalents work together Ariana and 2 Chainz." Slang words like no cap is used universally and black twitter is not exclusive. The internet culture merger has shown the World really is a Wide Web and everything is connected. The internet has and will continue to introduce us to many sub merging of cultures and people of different backgrounds.

Lil peep is a culture merger mixing emo 2000s "sadness", "suicide", and "heartbreak" with typical rap motifs about "ice", "hoes", "money", and etc. Based on Soundcloud and internet popularity it is a internet culture merger. Propogated on Tumblr.

Ariana Grande a pop singer shares hip hop motifs like "Heaven is the same price as Red Bottoms." Name dropping shows the culture merger.

by 0:proxy August 14, 2019

Culture Geist

The idea of bringing a trend back to haunt the present.

Culture Geist is literally JNCO Jeans

by samforman13 February 3, 2022