when kids want to show off that there balls haven't dropped yet.
If you dab your moms a hoe.
“What’s wrong with Kathy is she okay?”
“Yeah she’s just being a dab”
A dumb movement that meant to be used in celebration.
Dabbing is the dumbest dance move I have ever seen.
A dab is a form of dance mainly associated with hip-hop and rap. It was said to originate from Atlanta rap star Skippa da Flippa who is associated with the Migos. You can do it on many occasions especially if you are happy, excited or feeling like you have done something cool or nice.
President of America: *Takes away rights for Mexicans*
President: *Dabs*
DAB (drunk ass bitch)
refers to someone that is too drunk and engages in drunk ass bitch behavior. This term is not a bad thing, and can be used to compliment someone’s sense of fun. Can also be used to describe how drunk someone is or was.
You were such a DAB last night, LOL!
Dude, you were are such a fun DAB when you drink!
I’m literally such a DAB!