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Finger Sandwich

The act of making one's self vomit after a meal, by using a finger (preferably middle) to gag and expel the contents of the stomach.

I followed up that hearty Thanksgiving Day dinner with a delicious finger sandwich. I feel so much thinner now!

by c0linito July 24, 2008

38πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

poop finger

can be a practical joke in which one jams his finger into an unsuspecting victim and runs away, shouting the term

poor johnny got a deep poop finger by the huge senior

by tom November 15, 2003

39πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

finger eleven

Kickass band whose song 'Slow Chemical' was bastardized by the tech guys in WWE and used for a crappy guy with a mask.

Right now I'm listening to 'Slow Chemical' by Finger Eleven, which is a band that kicks much ass.

by AJAW July 18, 2004

82πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž

Finger Eleven

Most uber band ever. They pwn everyone and everything.

So we stay,
Until the ground that we can’t come down from,
Splits us away.
Maybe stars know why we fall,
I just wish they were thinking out loud,
Oh, I could wish all night.
-Thousand Mile Wish

by Sabishii211 April 28, 2004

67πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž

Filipino fingers

Someone who has wildly fast fingers, they come in handy when playing Madden or Guitar Hero. Deriving from Filipinos' ability to use the juke stick and keep running without skipping a beat.

Nate: Dude I just beat "Raining Blood on expert"

Ryan: Damn you and your Filipino fingers!

by ChimRicholds December 26, 2009

20πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

cheeto fingers

the unpleasant or pleasant orange or red residue left on the fingers after eating a bag of cheetos. Can usually be cleaned by licking or washing hands several times.

Gynecologist: Hey buddy want my last cheeto?

Guy: Man i dont want your nasty ass cheetos! youve been puttin ur gross cheeto fingers on all of em.

by fertileturtel December 22, 2008

28πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

The Finger Award

the middle finger, the bird, flipping off, it's an obscene gesture used in the United States of America and Canada. It means basically "fuck you".

I got gas at a Sunoco station and as I drove around a corner there were stupid soccer moms holding up signs to support a school district levy set up by a bunch of greedy-ass corrupt asshole pukes who never gave the tax levy money to the schools that needed it - (during all the years I was in school we NEVER got any new updated textbooks until my senior year!). The school board is always crying for more dough and when they get it they boost their salaries. I gave those manipulative bastards the Finger Award as I drove on by. There were some propped-up children on the grass holding up some propaganda signs as well - that's child exploitation! That's wrong.

by I Saw U2 Live Twice May 18, 2009

18πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž