Source Code

Slippy Jimmy

The act of when having sex with a woman you taking your penis and put it in the woman’s ear then cum. After the act you then proceed to tickle her nose with your penis

Woman: hey baby let’s get freaky
Man: what on yo mind
Woman: let’s do a slippy jimmy

Man: get out

by Unknown_sources don’t ask February 2, 2021

Jimmy Essery

That kid that pretends to be autistic in your year but he just uses it to cover-up the fact that's he's actually a podophile and will message every kid 3 years younger than him that he can get his dirty hands in.

Dont go acting like Jimmy Essery

by CheeseyModder July 11, 2021

Sweaty Jimmy

A sweaty Jimmy is when you have a fever or when youre really warm and your dick is long, sweaty and red ish.

For example:↓↓↓

1) "i had a 40° fever yesterday and tried to jack off with a sweaty Jimmy but wasn't easy."
2) "its so hot imma get a sweaty Jimmy".

by Pickle chin ah boi April 15, 2019

Jimmy Banter

When somebody says something nasty, but calls it banter!

Person a: You have nothing! Why are you even here?
Person b: Well... uh...
Person a: Don't worry mate, it's just banter!
Person b: More like Jimmy Banter!

by OnlySwimmingFreestyle December 1, 2014

jimmy bussanmus

Is jimmy a racist? The answer is yes he is. He hates blacks and Muslims and that's not all. He also invented felching ask him about it.

Jimmy Bussanmus pushed down his wife and broke her foot ..!

by Lostaccos February 25, 2018

Jimmy chop

Okay, cool, or good.

“Aye man, you good?”
“Yeah bro, I’m jimmy chop.”

“Yooo them shoes are jimmy chop.”

“Aye what did you think of that pizza?”
Mmm that pizza was jimmy chop.”

by 305ragga August 16, 2020

Jimmy Concert

A gathering with way too many dudes and not enough females, a.k.a a sausage party

Man, I was gonna go to that party at the TKE house, but once I got there I realized it was a total jimmy concert.

by JoeMama888 May 17, 2018