Source Code

Johnny Depp Film

the act of coitus

I'd take her out to a Johnny Depp film

by Logie F. Gandelman July 14, 2011

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Johnny Depp

Pirated. To pirate (as in software). Refers to Johnny Depp starring in Pirates of the Caribbean.

"I had a 'Johnny Depp' version of Windows XP, and my conscience got the better of me, so, like an ass, I went legit and bought a licence. Now I have more problems with my computer than I did before!"

by Duanester May 24, 2008

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johnny come straightly

When a previously exclusively homosexual person begins a serious relationship with someone of the opposite sex, often out of the blue.

"She's dating a dude now? She's been full-time homo since she was 12. What kind of johnny come straightly shit is this?"

by Shawna M. May 19, 2008

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Johnny Marr-ified

Once Johnny Marr colaborates with an indie band, the band's quality greatly improves, but their lifespan may become shorter.

Ever since Modest Mouse was Johnny Marr-ified, they've been better. But I'm worried they'll break up soon.

by Neil Hamrick April 22, 2008

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Johnny Depp Fanabees

Poser fans that only started liking him after Pirates of the Carribean came out. People who like Johnny Depp just because he is hot or because everyone told them to. People who have never even heard of Cry Baby, Benny and Joon, What's Eating Gilbert Grape, Ed Wood, and various other brilliant movies starring Johnny Depp.

Omg Johnny Depp is the best actor ever! He's been my favorite actor ever since like Pirates came out! Omg he's so hot! Like totally!

by trueJDfan_notaposer June 21, 2004

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Timmy, Johnny, Spike

Types of players in ccg games, originally came from mtg.

Timmy is a "power gamer" who likes things big and strong, prefers straightforward strategies and enjoys winning with a big mighty hit. Typical Timmy deck in mtg is a 'mono green Stompy' where your huge monsters just stomp on your opponent and he dies in pain.

Johnny is a "creative gamer" who likes to build interesting decks, tries different ideas and basically expresses themselves through the game. Johnny is the one who accepts the challenge to not let your memes be dreams. Also appreciates non-gameplay aspects of the game, like lore, art, etc.

Spike is a "competitive player" who plays whatever has the best chances to win. Spike knows the meta and uses all the broken stuff avaliable. Spike will netdeck, steal from the kids and suck the big falota if it brings the victory.

There are also hybrid types to express your unique playstyle and life choices but noone cares, all right

- Oh wow look at that windowlicker retard Timmy playing his forest what a fun game I think I'm gonna die from boredom

- Oh wow look at that Johnny with his 'brew' or is it a starter deck doesn't he have money for real cards what's this clown doing in a constructed play

- Oh wow look at this try-hard Spike playing the same cancer shit as EVERYONE on the ladder why won't they all just circle jerk and call it a draw

- Timmy, Johnny, Spike... I'm mostly a Johnny player because I like to be creative and think outside the box. But I also enjoy mighty plays, so I can say I'm a bit Timmy, just not the stupid one. And of course I'm a Spike too, because I'm highly competitive player and my decks are top tier. I'm a part of furry fandom as well.

by Space_Algae September 21, 2018

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johnny carson spot

the closest parking spot you can get to the location you are going to. (example: in front of a bar, your apartment, a store, etc.)

MAN#1 "Where'd you park?"
MAN#2 "Dude, I got the Johnny Carson Spot, right out front."

by jmattei March 10, 2008

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