An adorable girl who you'll never forget. She has a place in all her friend's heart, and she's as cute as a button. She's not as cute as a supermodel, but she's not butt ugly. Katie Augustin's can sometimes be super duper insecure with themselves at times, but at other's she could be talking her friends out of their insecurities. She's loved by everyone and everyone loves her. Unless you're Nash Helsel. She's not talking to you for dumping her books on the ground.
I love Katie Augustin, she's so funny!
A reincarnation of Nicolas Cage
"Someone is stealing the Declaration of Independence again!"
"But that's not Nicolas Cage.."
"Oh no, it can't's.....katie hostetler."
the best thing ever to exist and only belongs to something called demi philp
“can i touch the katy capewell”
“no or demi will bite you”
Katie Kindergartner is a grade 7 student who acts like a kindergartner.
I hate Katie Kindergartner