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Kentucky Yeast Infection

Caused by sitting on wet bleachers with yeast juice on them at the Kentucky Derby

I went to the Derby yesterday and got a Kentucky Yeast Infection from the yeasty bleacher.

by She hole May 14, 2017

kentucky tounge punch

The act of flicking your toung in and out of someones butthole, after you eat Kentucky Fried Chicken together, on horseback.

Me and my sister-cousin did a Kentucky tounge punch the other day and my butts still clean as a whistle.

by Psychedelic frog July 6, 2021

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Kentucky leaf blower

While giving love to a female, you put grass clippings in her vagina. You tuck the grass clippings really snug and whenever she coughs, sneezes, screams, or queefs she shoots out these clippings to a similar fashion that a leaf blower would blow them.

Yea man after mowing yesterday my wife gave me the Kentucky leaf blower

by g_dongz August 28, 2020

Kentucky cum dumpster

The Kentucky cum dumpster is when u cum and shit in a rag then beat your partner with it while riding her like a horse then viscously put the rag in her mouth

Kentucky cum dumpster is fire

by Kentucky balls September 9, 2020

Kentucky cum dumpster

It’s where u fuck her until your bout to cum then take a shit in a rag and cum in it then u beat the fuck out of her with the rag then while your beating it ride a horse while she’s sucking

your dick

I love to do the Kentucky cum dumpster

by Kentucky balls September 9, 2020

Kentucky Stuffed Mushroom

When you dip the tip of your dick in shit on a color palette and mushroom stamp your significant other.

Andy gave me a Kentucky Stuffed Mushroom during foreplay lastnight. Unfortunately he used my color palette.

by The Bearsaurus January 14, 2017

Kentucky paint job

A Kentucky paint job is when a woman is on her period sits on your face and grinds untill your face is completely painted red with her blood. Like the red barns in the rolling hills of Kentucky

Hey baby I want you to give me a good old fashion Kentucky paint job

by Brian E Tarrants Jr August 17, 2022