A very dirty man who will steal your girl in a heartbeat. Very untrustworthy and acts differently around certain women
Na bro you are a filthy luke for stealing my girl
An affectionate couple who hold hands every chance they get. They’re best friends and lovers and enjoy talking about Doctor Who and The Office. They’re always together and love eachother a lot.
Luke and Alyssa are relationship goals!
Passing up an epic time in the exchange for a nap
guy 1 says:"hey guys, have you seeing Jim anywhere?"
guy 2 replies: "ya man, he's pulling a Luke Toller"
a drug used by tramps in africa
my dad does luke burton
A sexy Loving Beast and he has a huge PECKER and he is a hot man and he will give you what you want!!! ;)
Luke Pontisso is Amazing
Chantell: gets her wig whisked up
Luke Birch: stop snatching wigs Chantell
School nurse: don’t worry guys all she needs is a blue paper towel
The cutest couple from the show gilmore girls. We love them. But I wish they had a kid... ANYWAY THEY ARE AMAZING
omg, look at that Luke And Lorelai couple! They’re so cute
Look at them! They look like a Luke and lorelai