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Muffin Pup

its a creature that is half muffin half dog most likley as a cartoon character, not real
it is the size of a pug, and to get around it hopps around and it eats coockies

muffin pup: W00F W00F W00F W00F W00F

by jonaa1j38dl3 August 26, 2009

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Rib Muffins

Breasts, titties, boobs.

Did you see the rib muffins on that whore??!!

by tedkord March 25, 2004

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A severe craving for muffins, especially when you have the munchies.

"You ate THE WHOLE pan of muffins!?"
"Sorry I got muffin happy."

by zeus2008 January 27, 2008

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Smoking a Muffin

A unique term for smoking something of legit yet legal substance the wrong way so that the 'high' is more of a pshchological effect.

My freind and I were in the backyard smoking a muffin.

by MuffinSmokers101 May 8, 2010

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jewberry muffin

When your mom comes home when your cooking muffins for summer fun and you may be a jew but you can still have fun so you go ahead and throw yourself out there only to fuck a space time continuum and get 1900d freedom fucked off of rust bc your mom hates your Lil jew ass hole because you are fucking petunia slut who only worships the demons of celzar because you can only drink powerade because your mom is stuck in the great depression and can only afford a watered down Gatorade because the oppression of society is weighing her down and she can't even swim under the sea with a mermaid and a crab because her family hates her because who has hermit crabs you fucking racist piece of dick queso lookin ass I bet you kiss nobody with that mouth you imbread computer mouse.

Your such a jewberry muffin

by Dank Boi 69 February 22, 2016

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Chunk Muffin

1. A softy; someone who looks tough but is a whimp.
2. A noob or newbie

Dude, see that guy over there lifting weights he's a total Chunk Muffin, if you pinched him he'd start crying.

by Kuk March 27, 2008

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lumber muffin

n. muffin shaped penis, which at full erection is hard as wood or "lumber". (other definition) n. human feces that is a cause of eating a "Denny's lumber jack slam" with the combination of a muffin.

first example: girl say's to sexual partner "ow! i can't fit that lumber muffin."
2nd example: "dude... i ate at Denny's and had a muffin it took me 30min. to shit that lumber muffin."

by J3z December 14, 2010

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