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The Crazy Dave

A celebratory bumping of dicks, most commonly following a home run by a Chicago Cub. Believed to be invented and championed by newly crowned World Series champion David Ross.

It was so weird when my dad gave me the crazy Dave after I showed him my report card.

by SHAQattaQ November 3, 2016

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hair crazy

a person who takes too much care of his/her hairs and is very obsessive abt hairs..lets no1 touch his/her hairs...wud do nethin to keep their hair b'ful

dude that boy's such a hair crazy!!!

by nikstar0227 March 29, 2010

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Crazy Ivan

A Fantasy Football team that routinely gets beat by the leagues token Mexican Team, regardless of roster moves this team always comes up short.

Despite numerous roster moves Crazy Ivan comes up short again against Martinezโ€™s team.

by Mongol November 30, 2021

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Swayze Crazy

When you act crazy like Patrick Swayze.

That dude was Swayze Crazy! He broke that guy's face!

by BoE August 9, 2012

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muppet crazy

To lose all control, flop around uncontrollably, and make loud incoherent noises. Like Animal, the muppet.

He stuck his face in her cleavage and went muppet crazy. She had to spend 5 minutes cleaning up his slobber.

by tyberiusREX November 17, 2007

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Adjective. Defines a person who is so over the top with being eco-friendly, they've gone into eco-crazy territory.

"Dude, I am not composting my own poop. That is eco-crazy, man."

by aunt_frankie April 9, 2010

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crazy rat

crazy rat is what you call someone that you think is literally crazy and acts like a rat . For example disgusting, bites you sometimes or says YEAHHH

Lori: wow , Jennifer you're such a crazy rat .YEAHHHHH
Jennifer: YEAHHHH. But you are too Lori;)

by Lacey Buttler February 18, 2017

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