n. scrotum
due to the folds of skin on the scrotum that resemble folds of gray matter
Friends television show, with a man going commando and "showing brain"
15👍 19👎
Heather is a slut...plain and simple. She is a teenager has no social life, and the only company she keeps is her 40 yr. old boy toy. Her dislikes are: the justice system, people prettier than her, and the next little girl her pedophile boy toy decides to victimize. Her likes are softball, fresh tires, and choking on a limp wrinkly dick. Out of the things she likes she is only dedicated to ONE of them...and it isn't softball or tires.
His girl is like half her boyfriends age...what a Heather S!
That girl loves old pedophiles...must be a Heather S.
Damn sis you got some cankle(s)for days; that's why your feet don't fit in those heels
The most savage fan group. Worshiping Taylor Swift and everything she's done and stand for. You talk crap they clap back. They mostly consist of women, girls and the LGBTQ+ community. You will not find many straight men that like her. Any person that calls themselves a Swiftie knows the lyrics to all her songs, knows who is against her and with her and most importantly knows all the names of her three cats. A Swiftie's biggest life goal is to meet Taylor Swift and Mama Swift.
Kanye west about Taylor "SHE'S A LIAR AND A BITCH!"
Swiftie(s) / Goes on 13 page rant about how it's not true.
Person "Ew I hate Taylor she's such a slut"
Swiftie "Tf, she dated a normal amount of men for and 20 year old woman..."
A person named stephen that drinks alot of liqour.
My Nigguh stephen (A.K.A SDrink`s) drank a whole 750ml of Bacardi (Liqour)
The term a drunk girl uses when she wants to suck on your dick in a Taco Bell parking lot.
Drunk girl: "I want to S on a D!"
*sees you chilling in your car at Taco Bell*
Drunk girl: "Hey can I S on your D?"
You: "What's S on a D mean?"
Drunk girl: "Suck on your Dick!"
Gavin S. Is a hooker who always flirts with white blond girls with no ass for money. He says rude thing that make you want to wack him with your willy