Source Code

Second-hand fuck

When a man ejaculates onto an inanimate object, which somehow finds it's way into a woman's vagina, and the woman becomes pregnant.

"The cheerios say you're the father"


"Yeah, second-hand fuck is a bitch"

by Yarchonis March 26, 2009

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5 Second Rule

The window time a hot female has to make her point before a guy shifts his attention to her rack.

Hot Girl:I just read this book on feminist movement and realized how poorly men have treated women over the past century.

Hot Girl:Hey! Are you listening to me!

Guy:Oh! I'm sorry babe 5 second rule.

by Midorisan May 9, 2012

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8 Second Rule

In any 80's movie two characters will stare at each other for exactly 8 seconds, at which time they will either start making out or fighting. This happens in 99% of all 1980's movies.

Jamie: Yo did you watch Blade Runner like our philosophy instructor told us to?

AJ: Yeah! It totally obeyed the 8 second rule!

Jamie: I know! It happened 3 times!

AJ: Yup, one fight scene and two make out scenes!

by Gomer B. January 18, 2011

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second-hand high

Usually occurring at a concert, in an atmosphere with lot's of people smoking (most likely weed) and exhaling mass amounts of smoke into the crowd. You then inhale a mass amount of this second-hand smoke, and end up high.

Person 1- "Man, you are SO high."
Person 2- "Nah man, there was just SO much smoke at that concert, I probably got second-hand high."
Person 1- "Makes sense dude, makes sense."

by wonderous12345 September 27, 2010

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5 second rule

An informal notion that food dropped onto the ground is still edible if retrieved within a five second time frame. Variations exist; 30-second rule, 2-minute rule, et cetera.

Damn, that was the last potato chip. Oh well, 5 second rule in effect, right?

by kinsmed July 10, 2004

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30 seconds to mars

Most retarded, pretentious and juvenile band on the planet.

Their sound is just premade pop-stadium-glamrock, although their clips make them look like revolutionaries. Their lyrics are ridiculously bad, and can only impress 9- 14 year olds or backward people with absolutely zero taste. Their fanbase is a bunch of children who want to feel unique, yet desperately want to belong to a group. Any group.

They don't understand that Jared Leto is just a pretentious money grabbing prick with a Messiah-complex compareable or even worse than Kanye West's.

'Have you seen this new band called 30 seconds to Mars?'

'Should I?'

'No. They suck.'


' I just saw a video by 30 seconds to mars. I need to clean out my eyes with sandpaper asap.

by jellybean1988 October 20, 2010

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second aid kit

Like a first aid kit, but instead contains a pack of Marlboro reds, condoms, Tylenol, eye drops, plan B and, if you stick it in yourself, cocaine. Can sometimes be purchased at Wallgreens.

Damn bro, she sounds awful. Glad you had Second Aid Kit.

by Malbec June 21, 2017

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