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grammar shark

a person who is irritating because they think they're smart just because they correct people.

Guy 1: your such a nerd dude!
Guy 2: don't you mean ''you're''?
Guys 1: Dude, don't be such a grammar shark!

by Tuuner November 1, 2022

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Something so amazingly epic. Like if a shark were to jump out of the water and high five or suck your dick (without biting it off).

P1: Holy shit!!! The lead singer of one of my favorite bands asked me to be my friend.
P2: Dude, that's fucking shark-epic!!!

by Shadow Amadeus April 21, 2011

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Shark Finning

To swim backstroke with an erection.

'Did you see Ralph? He was totally Shark Finning it over that lifeguard.'Said Paul.

by SickyMike October 17, 2014

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Shark Tard

Those people who are obsessed with Shark Week and insist on posting gratuitous amounts of pointless Facebook statues about Shark Week.

"Omg Finally Shark Week is here i can't wait to blow up everyones news feed"!

"Wow your such a Shark Tard"!!!!!

by Left4Dead Broooooski :) August 5, 2011

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Carpet Shark

A dog lurking around the kitchen or dining room, looking for ground score

That terrier is a real carpet shark. I dropped a hotdog, and she was all over it in a second.

by jbszee December 12, 2008

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Salsa Shark

Term coined by randal in the movie clerks. A salsa shark is created when one swims a nacho point up in some salsa.

Da Duh Da Duh Da Duh, were gonna need a bigger boat!
man goes into cage, cage goes into salsa, sharks in the salsa, our sharks, salsa sharks.

by Koko November 28, 2004

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Taking a bite out of a FrozeFruit bar(by Bluebunny) or popsicle approaching from the side rather than from the top, which is the more conventional method here on Earth. A person may employ this technique to avoid someone elses frozen slobber(back-ice), or to sabotage the integrity of the frozen fruit bar's architecture....thereby, exposing the beneficial owner of the FrozeFruit bar to the catastrophic risk of a big mess.

Boy says to girl, "let me give that popsicle a haircut"
Girl hands her FrozeFruit bar(by Bluebunny) to boy and then says, "Dont shark bite it, bitch." Boy takes a shark-bite real fast and says "I don't want any of your back-ice." as he hands it back to the girl.
2 minutes later, whats left of the popsicle falls off of the stick onto the white carpet.

by Ace Binkley December 8, 2005

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