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The art of having many IM's plastered on your computer desktop while chatting in each and NOT getting the conversations mixed up.

I was Multi-Texting when she came online and IM'd me, but I accidentally sent Betty404's message to JaneOfTheJungle's IM, now I am busted....guess I need to practice multi-texting!

by Johns mom July 5, 2007

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Text maniac

An individual who sends an inappropriately large number of SMS text messages, especially to an actual or potential romantic partner. The text maniac's messages are typically banal and uninteresting.

Jane: "I think heard your phone beep. Did you just get a message?"
Lucy: (checking) "Yeah, it's from John. AGAIN. He's such a text maniac- he's messaged me 10 times already today."

by Helsta December 23, 2009

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text offender

An older pervert, who tries to stalk an flirt with girls, or possibly guys, through texting.

"I was walking next to a text offender earlier"
"Yesterday, I was being stalked by a text offender"

by Brandon Broussard from LA October 23, 2009

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text tone

The unintended tone read through a text, IM, or any other text based messaging system.

Text: "I hope you fucking die"
Response: "WTF!? Fuck you"
Text: "What? Why!? Oh... fucking text tone"

Text: "I hope you fucking die. lol"
Response: "Lol... Wtf?"
Text: "Lol... Proper text tone bitch."

by ThatGuyYouSortOfKnow? December 14, 2010

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Zombie Texting

When someone does or tries to continue a text message conversation that is clearly over and no more needs to be said, most of the time it will be akward and the person is just not getting the hint that the conversaton has ended.

Joe stop zombie texting Kim, u just messaged her 5 mins ago, she said she'll be there now quit texting her already before u make ur self look like an idiot, especially since u just met her.

kind of a shitty exmple but u pretty much get the point of it from the deffinition.

by Bniggs420 May 4, 2011

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Texting multiple people, like casting multiple fishing lines, waiting to see who responds. Usually done when in moderate to extreme levels of boredom, or to procrastinate in some way.

Person #1: Hey

Person #2: Hey, how's things? How's the family? What've you been up too?

Person#1: No offense, but I'm not really trying to have a serious conversation. I was just text-fishing you.

Person #2: Oh,ok...

by Thatguyinthebusheslookingatyou March 19, 2014

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text bail

To text someone and tell them that your break plans with them or backing out of plans.

"Yo bitch, Melinda just used text bail. That bitch is weak."

by Thomas DeVito June 25, 2008

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