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Jackson, Jackson is definition rich

Jackson just bought a Gucci wallet, he’s so rich

by penizzzzz October 10, 2019


To have lots and lots of money. These people probably have a tesla, and live in a mansion.

Person 1: "hey.... can I borrow $20 for gas money??? Cuz I'm not rich like you."

Person 2: "No you may not. It's my money, not yours. I am rich, you're not. So oh well "

by Ava Barnette January 28, 2021


Something I and most people won’t get

Me:I wanna be rich
Teacher:To bad dickhead stay poor
Me:Drugs could work........

by Thefuckamidoingwithmylife August 18, 2020


having heated floors

person one: my mom gets cold all the time so we installed heated floors

person two:oh you’re rich

by oopsoopsoops April 26, 2021


Guy's cum

Yeah baby, gimme that sweet rich

by Wilford Brimley 777 March 31, 2020


rich a girls name,she has a gorgeous
Smile and kind heart,she dont have alot friends because she dont need it:) and she dont like talking to stranger;)

Come rich lets find friends!

by J_rsl November 25, 2021


a lil bitch wit a big fucking head

rich you got a big fucking haed

by big donkey cock January 26, 2022