A stupid ass bitch that doesn't know what the fuck she's doing 99.9% of the time. She will be lonely for the rest of her life. The only thing/person that kinda likes her is her dog. Is the biggest slut you'll ever meet.
Stop being such a Brooke Tedder you dumb hoe.
The perfect friendship they can talk for hours and not have enough of each other they always talk about boys and both like be eating OREOS and eating chocolate
Omg Brooke and Alicia are seriously friendship goals
The most amazing girl you can meet. She doesn’t see herself for what she really is and what she really is is so perfect. She loves beyond measure and will blow you away every day. You will love her more than anything.
Man that Brooke is a Brooke Danielle, she’s perfect.
To not text somebody back who likes you and is trying to text you; To not engage in conversation with somebody who is trying to communicate with you.
Yeah she fuckin' brooked me....
I just brooked that guy, he was creepy.
Getting white girl wasted and spilling everything.
She brooked the entire beer pong table
(of a person) “Brooked" is a term that denotes the condition of being profoundly enamored with a woman whose influence is detrimental to every facet of an individual's life. Characterized by a tumultuous and destructive relationship dynamic, being brooked encapsulates a range of harmful behaviors exhibited by the partner, including infidelity, deceit, gaslighting, and instigation of physical confrontations. These confrontations can escalate to the point of involving the partner's family, leading to severe physical injuries and further emotional turmoil. Furthermore, the term encapsulates the paradox of receiving verbal affirmations of love and fidelity from the partner, which starkly contradicts their actions, including blatant disrespect and unfaithfulness. The repercussions of being brooked are profound and multifaceted, encompassing significant weight loss, insomnia, career derailment, social isolation, and the eventual loss of personal and financial stability. The term underscores the paradoxical nature of staying committed to a relationship that is unequivocally harmful, highlighting the complex dynamics of love, loyalty, and self-destruction.
“What happened to John? I haven't seen him lately." "I saw him the other day, and he's brooking it hard. He lost his job and thirty-five pounds."
"She warned him about getting involved with Dana, afraid he'd end up brooked like so many others before him.“
"After realizing how brooked he was, Mike finally decided to seek help and rebuild his life."
"He's brooked out of the game ever since he met Jennifer; it's like he lost all sense of direction in life.“
The biggest hoe you’ll ever meet. She‘s the leader of the itty bitty titty committee. She thinks her ass makes up for her lack of tits but in reality it’s flatter than a pancake. Poor thing. I don’t even know how she gets guys but I guess it’s just because she’s easy. She also has a habit of getting with girl’s boyfriends, so if you’re in a relationship, watch out for her. She can’t take a joke, either. So if you’re reading this, Taylor, go ahead and grab a whole box of tissues. Taylor Brook it’s okay that your personality is as dull as a white crayon, not everyone can be the colors of a rainbow.
I caught Taylor Brook sucking my boyfriend’s dick! Again!!!