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stage sweating

When a person joins the stage in a room on Clubhouse but does not say or contribute anything

Billy joined the room but he was just stage sweating

by random_shutter June 24, 2021

sweating like a pig

Heavy sweat from anxiety.

A southern saying that I grew up with, but not sure where it came from. "sweating like a pig, who knows he's for dinner?"

by gayburns7 August 9, 2015

1👍 10👎

lumbar sweats

Profuse sweating of the lower back that signals in the words of Dave chappelle "I had to take a dump, I had to take a dump immediately." If a dump is not taken, the lumbar sweats can lead to an embarrassing sweat stain on the upper but crack region of clothing.

lumbar sweats are going HAM right now

Ben: dude did you sit on something wet?

Steve: Nah I gotta take a shit really bad,

lumbar sweats are going HAM right now

by Steven18 December 5, 2013

Cold Sweat from GD

Cold Sweat is a extreme demon by a user named 'Para' and it is the 62nd hardest level of the official GD universe.

HOLY SHIT I BEAT Cold Sweat from GD!!

by i4ba6g4rigt February 29, 2024

Stevie Sweat

The mysterious murky liquid that appears on the skin on Stevie (especially on the face, neck, arms, back, butt, and gental regions) shortly after the slightest of physical exertion. This liquid is known to be highly toxic and must be avoided at all cost. Despite this, females seem to be highly attracted to the liquid.

It was 20 degrees out, yet some how, 10 steps into the run, the sidewalk is already drenched in Stevie Sweat.

by Yo Who July 25, 2024


When someone has a sweaty upper lip and rudely drink from an apparatus that is intended for consumption by multiple people.

“Why couldn’t you waterfall the Arizona? You straight Sweat-Stached my drink…I don’t want it anymore. Keep it!”

He says he through with her but he’s probably at her house right now sweat-stach’n her snatch😂

by Brittany Krystine August 16, 2022

Whiteboy Sweat

When a person of caucasian or colder climate visits a tropical climate and begins to sweat extremely profusely only within a short number of minutes of walking.

Man look at that guy over there, he's only been walking for a few minutes and he's drenched? He's got a lot of Whiteboy Sweat for sure.

by Bille Jeanlashes July 19, 2023