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In Vegas, a "Tom" is a poor tipper, commonly known as a "stiff". On the other hand, a good tipper is known as "George".

"Here comes a Tom, I'm not going to wait on him."
"Dude, Tom is on his way to play blackjack at my table. I hope he goes broke fast."

by sd_ace May 30, 2012

1๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tom Coburn

A stupid neo-con right wing republican who is homophobic and values the "life" of a microscopic goo over the life of a human (supports death penalty of course). He is also a FUNDAMENTALIST christian who would most likely support a theocracy in his backwards hick state of Oklahoma .

Coburn supporters: Tom Coburn stands for great Oklahoma values like discriminating against gay people, saving fetuses even though he might have steralized a girl once, and the death penalty. He also stands for great family values somehow (but don't ask why or how) ...

by I don't know November 8, 2004

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Tom Cruise


Tom Cruise is crazy.

by jimmy parrotsticks February 1, 2009

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Tom Brady

Gay- Noun

1. tom brady.

"Matt and I fight like teenage girls," said Tom Brady, speaking of backup QB Matt Cassel. "We are always slapping each other around and wrestling and slap boxing and messing around with each other in the weight room. And so I decided to take that to the next level. And we were messing around in the quarterback room one day and he walked in with a milkshake, and I kind of put my foot by the door, and I kicked the door and the milkshake splashed up and went all over him. So he sat down, and I was laughing. So I said give me the towel, because I wanted to clean up the wall. So I threw the towel at his face, and it had shake all over it. He had a little shake in his mouth and he spit it all over me."

So every team playing them including oakland watch out cause he wants you to touch his sack in the pocket

Tom Brady is so HOMO!

by Chris Eff September 1, 2008

224๐Ÿ‘ 196๐Ÿ‘Ž

the tom brokaw

when someone calls you every day AT THE SAME TIME to tell you meaningless bullshit thats going on in their life

friend: ay, i just made a sandwich, and it was awesome! me: i dont fucking care!!!!

by asshole February 27, 2004

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Tom Cruisin'

To be upset or harboring obsessive feelings of jealousy based solely upon speculative information regarding your partners activities, derived from the movie "Eyes Wide Shut" in which Tom Cruise's character slowly goes insane because of a comment his wife made about a sailor she did not sleep with, but thought about sexually. This behavior can be either temporary or chronic, and can involve repeatedly visualizing your partner with other people, spying on your partner, confronting your partner with your "evidence," looking through your partners private domains, becoming obsessed with your partners activities, calling or texting your partner regularly to make sure he or she isn't with anybody, becoming suspicious of other people in your partners life, and becoming possessive and untrusting of your partner.

Well, yeah, I'm hanging out with John again, we got off work at the same time and... Baby, are you Tom Cruisin'?! John is gay!

by SharkyComplete June 2, 2010

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tom thorp

Biggest dickhead ever.

Every woman in his family is attractive.

Dude 1: Wow that dudes sister is hot.
Dude 2: Yeah but he is such a dickhead.
Dude 1: What a tom thorp

by Jacksonbaba August 1, 2014

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