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hoed up

1. Stop; pause; wait for me
2. Covered with skank-type women a.k.a. hoes
3. To dress/look the part of a hoe

1. "Hoed up nigga! I gots to tie my shoe laces!"
2. "Don't go to that strip club unless you wanna get hoed up."
3. "Damn, Stacey! Who you all hoed up for? We just goin' to the club."

by Veronica & Katie August 8, 2006

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Thumps Up

A term that is often used by users commenting on the YouTube.com website to describe the act of hitting the "Thumbs Up" button on YouTube. Often used in reply to videos that are either very popular (pop music, new movie trailers, comedy shorts, or "Fail" videos), or "ghetto fight" videos that stimulate the viewers brains into complete and utter fuckification of words.

Usually attributed to poor education as a child, overuse of spellcheck, or in the most liekly scenario, both.

Also attributed to people who purposely misspell words to be cool while interacting with their peers through textual services that are likely unable to spell the original word.

"Thumps Up! i no u no diz movie iz g00d prez day byttn rite dere.. smh"

by Arklenao December 17, 2011

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wad up

A greeting & asking what are you doing

wad up nicole

by caitlin May 2, 2003

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Rared Up

To get absolutely out of control drunk as hell. People that are in the presence of someone raring up should either choose to rare up also or stand the fuck back because you may get hit with anything in sight. Fist pumping may be involved.

You gonna get rared up tonight shit stain?

Let's get rared up!

Get rared up or fuck you!

I was so rared up last night.

by R Tayla August 4, 2010

46๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

nigger'n it up

Acting in the way of a nigger in a public place. Examples include talking loud, being obnoxious, stealing, not paying your bill, and all other behavior that is associated with normal nigger group behavior.

Matt: "Why are those black kids protesting at that restaurant?"

Jim: "Ah, a bunch of them were in there nigger'n it up and the manager told them to leave. Now they are saying the place is racist."

Matt: "I will eat there more now."

by Kubilai Kahn April 25, 2008

96๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

growing up

The feeling of childhood freedoms slipping away without any warning, the loss of unstructured time for relaxation, the necessity to work to survive. The impending journey across space and time to achieve one's dream, the feeling of hopelessness when that dream is not achieved, reflection upon one's carefree childhood, longing, regret and desire for a good retirement fund and a glass o' prune juice.

My Dad paid off the mortgage with my college fund, because since I'm "growing up", I should learn to pay for my own things.

by Grim Repairer August 26, 2008

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up and leave

(v.) To leave suddenly without warning.

He just upped and left. No note, no explaination, nothing.

by Kung-Fu Jesus May 12, 2004

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