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The process of repeatedly inserting a sexual organ into a Dyson airblade for erotic gratification.

I was lonely at the UNFCCC climate talks in Poland so I was D-blading between plenary sessions, and it was breathtaking.

by Williamsburg Rabbi November 12, 2013

T the D

To toss the disk (firisbee).

"Hey wanna go T the D after class?"

"I'm always down the T the D"

by BlueTaiga August 16, 2016

Mizzy d

mizzy d can suck my dick :)

ye see that mizzy d over there, he can suck my dick

by mizzydsucks July 28, 2018

D Star

beating someone with full rage and power
a technique often used by indian government teachers to destroy students
"were not just making videos , were changing lives"

Black Person: can you please give me a cigar
White Lady: D stars him to death

by Aatishbazi launda swag mei December 8, 2021

Yodelling for the D

The noise a cqt makes when she is in season. Or the favourite karaoke song of the most prominent slapper in town.

She was yodelling for the D so loud my window panes were vibrating to renditions of 'Mustang Sally', getting louder when she yodelled "Ride, Sally Ride"!

by tinywitch September 9, 2020

D shift

The red head step children of the fire dept. If you like days off while working, D shift is the best fit for you. The installment of D shift was to give the other 3 much needed rest for carrying the dept. If your house is on fire, better hope D shift isn’t working.

D shift must be working...The rig is dirty and barely any fuel.

I tweaked my back, I’m gonna switch to d shift for few months!

by Kcuf pmurt February 17, 2020

tyra d.

the most beautiful girl in the whole world except she thinks she knows it all and everybody like's her(which they dont)only kevin newton love's her.

look there goes tyra d.

by gunit0008 February 5, 2009