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Justin Bieber

worse than the jonas brothers. he thinks he's a gangsta, wishes he was black, and is not very good. but some people on ud like him. i didnt even KNOW there were 10yearolds here, let alone 10yearold girls! lol.

seriously dont listen to him. listen to the badass mothafuckas THE BEATLES. or led zeppelin. or micheal jackson. or nirvana. shit, listen to boys like girls. but dont pollute the world with a dude (well...maybe not a dude) with a girly voice and cookie-cutter lyrics. please. please please please please please please pleeeease!!!

and he's canadian. robin sparkles is canadian. :(

if youre cool, you don't listen

10-year-old girl: oh. em. jay!!!! justin bieber is like, soooo awesome. people who don't like him are haters! haters i tell you!

me: groans

haters: fuck you you little cunt!!! he sucks!!! i hope you get raped by justin bieber!!! oh wait. thats impossible. HE HAS NO PENIS!!!!

metal head: dude.

black guy: IT BUUUUUUUURNS!!!!!!

white guy: this sucks.


canadian guy: well shit, i dont know.

by i'm canadian. lol. February 12, 2010

406๐Ÿ‘ 536๐Ÿ‘Ž

Justin Bieber

The reason I want to blow out my brains with a loaded .44

I would rather have a bullet go through my head than ANY of Justin Bieber's songs.

by devilman337 September 7, 2014

18๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber is a singer. And an unbelievably bad one at that. The songs are all very similar, usually based around a girl he loves. How many love songs can he write or sing anyway? Seriously, if he has that many love songs, than how many girlfriends or crushes does he have?

Many girls say that every girl LOVES Justin Bieber, well sorry to disappoint, I am a girl, and I have NO feelings for him whatsoever (mainly due to the fact that he looks and sounds like a 10 year old, and he is not talented).

He is also known to have a very annoying haircut...

Girl 1: That guy is such a Justin Bieber

Girl 2: Piss off, he is a Billie Joe Armstrong

by K!Ss May 21, 2010

350๐Ÿ‘ 462๐Ÿ‘Ž

Justin Bieber

A virgin female who plans on staying pure.

Jessica: Oh my gosh, look at him. He's so attractive.
Jenifer: Yeah, too bad he's a Justin Bieber and his balls haven't dropped yet .. faggot.

by Jessica Kerly February 9, 2011

46๐Ÿ‘ 50๐Ÿ‘Ž

Justin Bieber

A Cute Canadian born pop singer who has sexy looks and is the best singer ever and i want to bed him ---> NO FUCK OFF I WAS BEING SARCASTIC

Justin Bieber is a wannabe kid who is so stupid he cannot locate certain major continents on the world map. He cannot identify what Germany is, he considers himself to be popular like an arrogant prick. He indulges in himself like a self-loving cunt. Indeed this kid is gender confused and pointlessly pursues a futile and pathetic life dating women 3 times his age. His mop like blond hair is styled in a very irritating way, and he flicks his hair in an annoying and unneccessary fashion. Wherever he goes, preteen girls follow him begging him to sign their puny tits and he has utter disregard for the residents and motorists of the areas he visits, cos some people are trying to fucking get to work u faggot kid.

Guy to friend: "I called Justin Bieber gay, and he slapped me with his purse."

Guy to mates: "I went to apply for a Guiness World Record for the smallest penis in the world but i got beaten by this fuckhead!" (*shows an image of Justin Bieber)

Bodyguard arrives at a brawl and pulls Justin Bieber out: "people, you should be ashamed of yourselves violence against women is wrong"

Justin Bieber arrives at Reception desk
Guy standing next to him: "Man I hate having prostate checkups too"
Justin stares at him puzzled and says to the reception lady: "Im here for my PAP test appointment"

by TehS1LV3R January 4, 2011

60๐Ÿ‘ 68๐Ÿ‘Ž

Justin Bieber

Faggot ass "teen hit pop sensation" bullshit that attracts little girls and most likely to become a child molester; queer who overuses auto-tune and has no fucking talent; hermaphadite who wears more make-up in her music videos than the girl.

Nikki(retarded girl who likes Justin Bieber): You're just jealous because Justin Bieber is wayy hotter than you <3333333 :)
Preston(the Wise Man): He's right man. Leave Justin Bieber alone! She has feelings too!

by JustinBieberisAQueer March 30, 2010

218๐Ÿ‘ 282๐Ÿ‘Ž

Justin Bieber

Some canadian 16 year old that got popular from youtube videos. Teenage girls seem to love him, but usually because of his looks, not music.

One notable feature is that he sounds like he hasn't hit puberty yet. People like to critisize him for this.

Teenage girls of course get EXTREMLY offended by this and say they are just jealous. But, why would they be jealous of an unoriginal guy singer who sounds like a girl, and only gets psycho, rabid, and shallow girls anyway?

He is very unoriginal - read any of his song lyrics and they are made so a 4 year old can understand them.

Listen to any of his songs - and you will hear his annoying little voice piercing through your ears.

One of the most annoying things is that he got a record deal with Usher, and is basically living off that. Now Bieber thinks he can be a Black rapper - really?

He is unintellegent (because he doesn't need to be smart for the general teen girl population who listen to him), in an interview he didn't know what "German" was.

He is pretty much a cocky douchebag because of his status (which really isn't much to brag about, he's living a lie), but he's only going to last for about another year until he hits puberty.

Wait.... maybe he got neutered as part of the deal. Nevermind then.


Person: Why would I want crazy psycho fans like you?

by Grasshoppa September 4, 2010

271๐Ÿ‘ 356๐Ÿ‘Ž