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California King Bed

Its a song by Rhianna, It seems like the old Rhianna is coming back to certain people. Isn't as poppy on how recently she has been its more of a slow love dovey song.

One person: OMG! Have you heard that new song California King Bed?!
Two person: Yesss it reminds me of back in the days when I would listen to Unfaithful by Rhiannna.

by Jitterrrrss May 10, 2011

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Lesbian Death Bed

Lesbian death bed is a phenomenon where lesbian couples transition from having daily sex early in their relationship, to having much less frequent sex after they marry.

Carter was surprised to learn that Jennifer and her wife were only having sex once or twice a month, despite being in an otherwise loving and committed marriage. But Jennifer pointed out that the lesbian death bed was pretty normal and nothing to worry about.

by flip-flopper August 8, 2021

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go to bed early

Reders to gay sex. Used to hide gay desire and to disguise it as an innocent phrase.

Hey. You guys want to go to bed early?

by Rower November 25, 2007

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bed time bitch

When someone is extremely tired and needs to go to bed.

Pete yawned. "Bed time bitch," I said.

by natemev November 26, 2016

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bed boi ting

1. Anything against the U.S. law.
2. Bad Boy Thing in an armenian accent.
3. There is no 3.

Me N H-Dogg just busted a cap in his ass. We did a bed boi ting.

by BiGi101 May 17, 2007

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Campus Bed-Spread

A female college freshman who spends the majority of her first year drunk and on her back legs spread in the dorms. They are usually drunk prior to arrival at the party, are overly loud, and gain attention from desperate Bro's attracted to their slutty dress attire, lack of morals and boobs which constantly stay out of their dress.

Ways to recognize a Bed-Spread are by the shoes, which usually end up in their hands by the end of the night walking bare feet down South High st. Or by the identifier names such as Brittany, Lindsey, Ashley, and Candy

Campus Bed-Spread jargon includes

Im like..so drunk right now

I dont give a fuck

I like...the best at giving head

by The Right Guy. September 27, 2010

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bed room eyes

when a girl has the king of eyes you wouldnt mind waking up next to, usually with brown eyes

guy 1 - wow her eyes are so beautiful
guy2 - what color?
guy 1 - they are bed room eyes

by jerseykid34534 March 25, 2005

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