It says I'm not stupid enough to let you use your mongrel children as an excuse to stalk and harass me for the rest of my life while simultaneously stealing everything I make and condemning me to a life of servitude so you can feel better about the fact that your kids are never going to stop getting fucked amd murdered and there's no reason for anyone who DOESN'T have kids to give a shit because YOU don't give a shit about the problems of non-kid-havers.
Hym "What does that say about me? Whatever you want it to say, of course! Everything means whatever you want it to mean and you hear whatever you want to hear."
To Shark : Meaning to do things in your own time, at your own pace, without regards for anyone else.
Stop Your Sharking About Louis! Get to your law class and stop going for a Dana Dunk. You Dirty little Shark.
In a world as vast and diverse as ours, belief systems vary greatly, each adding a unique hue to the fabric of humanity. From major religions to indigenous spiritualities, our world is rich with different perspectives. Beneath this tapestry lies a common thread: the human longing for meaning and connection.
At the core of every religion lies compassion, whether through Christianity's Golden Rule, Islam's emphasis on charity, or Buddhism's teachings on loving-kindness. Mocking beliefs disregards this value, fostering division.
In facing global challenges, unity and cooperation are crucial. Respecting each other's beliefs builds bridges, transcending divides and promoting understanding. This fosters a society that is resilient, inclusive, and compassionate.
Mockery sends a ripple effect of negativity and division, fueling conflicts and atrocities. Conversely, tolerance creates a culture of respect and understanding, promoting healing and reconciliation.
While freedom of expression is vital, it must be tempered by respect and civility. Hate speech spreads misinformation and leads to real-world violence. Upholding tolerance ensures everyone can express themselves freely.
Despite differences, universal truths unite us: the desire for happiness, peace, and meaning. Focusing on commonalities fosters a shared humanity, breaking down barriers and building bridges of understanding and solidarity.
This was made for sad_wabbit on Instagram because he looks like a monkey and wants to clown on others for their religion (he told me to write a book about why we should respect others beliefs)
A question that implies everyone else has forgotten about something deeply important.
Steve: I'm just so happy to hear Lucy made it home safe last night! She was in a bad way.
Charlie: What about Luis?
Parents' other way of saying no
Me: "can i get a new PS4 controller. Mine broke yesterday "
Parents: "We'll think about it "
*one week later*
Me:"so,have you thought about it?"
Parents:"what are you talking about?"
Me:"The replacement controller for my PS4"
Parents:"oh that. We said no last time"
Me:"you said...NVM"
Men need to be cares for, looked after so every year on the 3rd of December ask a boy if you encounter one, “Are you okay?” get them to express their feelings to you.
Her: “Today is the 3rd of December which means it’s National Care About A Boy Day”
*walks to a boy*
Her: “Are you okay?”
Him: “No, not really”
Her: “Let’s go talk about it”
It is a experience and new family made by my 77 family cousin. I think I have 3 rich cousin at Afghanistan maybe but I don't know.
I think I have 3 rich Afghanistan cousin but not sure about that.