A beautiful ray of sunshine on the cloudiest of days. Chloe Jane brings the brightest light into lives. Gives meaning and hope. Chloe Jane has the best sense of humor and her jokes never stop .
Chloe Jane’s are super soft and sweet love attention.
If you are ever lucky enough to meet a Chloe Jane understand your in the presence of light.
Chloe Jane called n my day got brighter:Dad
dilf lover and flashes people as a side hobby
"Yo is that chloe tesaury???"
"Oh yeah, i saw her ass at a hike once"
A special berry bush that was created at the dawn of time. If you ever eat a berry from the bush you will be gifted with immortality.
Mmm Chloes bush is so delighted
Chloe Kuwonu is fun girl who loves to party with Zion Kuwonu, they are the cutest couple in town but some people are jealous of there relationship and want to manipulate chloe to leave Zion but that will never happen. Styles always has her back.
wow look at Chloe Kuwonu and Zion Kuwonu!! Couple Goals
She’s the most amazing girl you’ll ever meet.
I love Chloe Parker
She’s the most complicated person u will EVER meet, she’s smart in some context, sweet, caring, kind and will make u feel better when ur down
But she also has a bad side u don’t wanna get on she will expose ur ass and tell all ur secrets to all ur friends and will not give a shit.
Chloe parker
a girl with black curly hair and acts like she is 7
Omg is that Chloe Braswell???!!