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Dollar Store Drink

When a bartender makes a drink so weak that it could have came from a dollar store. This tends to happen with new bartenders.

John: Wow, you finished that long island fast.

Me: It was so weak. It was a dollar store drink.

by N_Dub08 February 24, 2012

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Drink Her Pretty

When you meet an ugly chick in a club but you can't nail her until you've had a few hard drinks.

Guy #1: Hey! Did You Drink her pretty? Did you fuck that fugly chick?

Guy #2: Na man. I'm not shit-faced enough for that troll.

by TJGR May 17, 2010

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Free Drinks Shirt

A top that women who are extremely top-heavy wear in a club or a bar in order to get men to give her (and many times her friends also) drinks for free.

Girl A: Hey girl, are you ready to hit the club?

Girl B: Almost. Lemme just put on my free drinks shirt so we don't have to buy our own.

by just_blazin4ya December 17, 2008

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Dummies drink Cummies

Best insult for either a idiot or a thot. More severe than ur granny tranny.

Thot: begone thot is over used
Person: dummies drink Cummies
Thot:*barfs cum and goes to hell*

by Cat-in-boxes March 16, 2018

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drink the kool-aid

Going along with what a crowd desires. Often used when a person changes positions on a topic.

Dave got a haircut and a new suit. Looks like his company is making him drink the kool-aid.

by ryanjames May 26, 2006

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drink up bitches

its when your drunk and your with a bunch of loud mouth girls who are drunk and you say drink up bitches hoping they will get so drunk they will pass out and be quiet

i am at a concert and the girls would rather talk than watch the concert so you lift ur drink up and say drink up bitches

by julie cavender July 3, 2011

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drink some milk

The icing on the cake for other insults.

carrot: please quit it with the laughter and jovial interaction with you colleagues.
cucumber: eat a dick and drink some milk

by iambobbypoole December 15, 2013

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