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Footy Fag

A sub human race found in all Australian towns, Footy Fags are basically the Australian version of Chavs and Townies. Their culture revolves mainly around The "NRL" the Australian rugby league. They are all sheep, wearing the same homo cloth's they got from some surf shop and listen to the same mainstream music made by no-talent slut’s and "gangsters", all Footys try and imitate their football idols buy having the same gay little "solly" cut and acting like a general douche bag. They spend their spare time either jumping on each other chasing after a ball, getting pissed on grog they scabbed off the older footy fags or wasting time at the local mall yelling abuse at anyone who isn’t a footy e. g Emos, Goths, Moshers,, Skaters, Nerds, Geeks, Artistic people, Punks, People of Ethnicity, Arab of any kind, Leb, , or anyone that thinks for themself. Most often the footy males have a group of disease carrying cumpsters who follow them around, who are apparently all so “pritty” according to each other most all of them end up doing hairdressing at taff. They disrupt classrooms and this reflects their results which are always poor, but they don’t need to study because “their uncle is gonna give em job fencing on his farm”. Basically if you see a footy stab him to death before it has a chance to reproduce.

Footy fag 1- Durr dum durr chris brown
Footy fag 2- Durr

by DieuFooty August 2, 2009

37👍 16👎

fag talk

Talking like a fag.

Also, it could mean saying things that are so ridiculously stupid, that no one understands anything that you're talking about.

Luke Wilson as Joe on Idiocracy: "I need for you to be serious here, ok? I need help."
Justin Long as Dr. Lexus on Idiocracy: "There's that fag talk we talked about."

by Kim Bradford July 2, 2007

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fag hagging

treating a male homosexual friend as an accessory to happiness

Richard because he was fed up with Lara fag-hagging him.

by Comedy's Matt Lee and Dr Mark Cousens November 30, 2003

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Nintendo is for fags.

Someones personal opinion that we couldn't care less about.

by Anonymous September 10, 2003

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Lag Fag

A scroller or flooder in an online chat room. Someone that sends large amounts of text to lag others on the same server.

Dude, that lag fag just crashed the server connection!

by Dakota January 28, 2005

35👍 15👎

ud fag

one of those dumbass kids who things that they are super funny by putting their name as a definition on urban dictionary. usually the editors just deny them from getting posted while whispering "what a faggot" to themselves.

*while editing urban dictionary*



"another ud fag...i hate all jacks in the world now"

*denies definition*

by riceshooter85 May 8, 2007

36👍 15👎


1)a fag-fuck is someone who is a prick or ass-hole sort of like that ex boyfriend or girl friend you really hate.

2)a word you just blurt out when you're angry at some body and cant think of anything else to call them

1)I swear to god i hate you don't ever talk to me again you fucking fag-fuck

2)I know girl... listen don't even sweat it hes a fag-fuck anyways he'll see what hes missing and come crawling back one day.

by veronica.w February 12, 2009

34👍 14👎