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Being a Los Angeles Clippers fan

im in pain because the Los Angeles Clippers are the worst fucking franchise of all time in any sport. ps im a diehard laker fan. 🖕🏻the clippers

by Jacob Acuna January 13, 2021


To farm Harrow Systems in Warframe

Farming these systems is pain!

by Warframer March 31, 2018


When you're playing pinball and the ball goes straight between the flippers.

"I almost got the high score on that pinball game, then the ball went right between the flippers."

"Wow, that sucks. Is that what true pain feels like?'


by Someone who kinda exists September 13, 2021


When something is a chore

Pain in the ass

by Pedaloma November 19, 2021


Holy crap is that unpleasant!

Iam "Oof! This node pain is actually quite unpleasant..."

Hym "Quit being a baby! It's fine."

Iam "It... Uh... It doesn't feel fine..."

Hym "No pain no gain!"

Iam "I don't think that applies to steadily increasing lymph node pain..."

Hym "Well... There's nothing we can do about it. We can't afford to go to the hospital. It's $100 at the door. We're going to need an MRI. That's another $250. Then we have to pay for pills. That's another $70. That's going to take at least 4 straight days of working until 3 in the morning. And that's assuming they don't run the test and need a subsequent test. They are probably going to want to biopsy to make sure it's not cancer. We have to pay $25 day just to go out and work and to eat is going to cost maybe $50 for the week if we shop at the dollar store. So we are looking at at least a week straight of working double shifts where we end up staying out till noon."

Iam "Yeesh... This doesn't look good. Even if we got a real job it would take at least 2 weeks to get paid and it's doubtful it would even grant me a full paycheck. So, that route would take us at least a month to even get it looked at. The first is coming up too.... Shit this is wild. We are actually going to die..."

Hym "Yep... A slow painful death at the hands of the horde. And our faithful audience is going to get a front row seat. Death by deprivation."

Iam "Ouch... Hope it doesn't hurt too bad... Well, more than it already does..."

Hym "Yes, well, hopefully we go in our sleep."

Iam 😔 "Yeah... Alright. I'm going to bed."

Hym "Try not to die!"

Iam "Not helpful..."

by Hym Iam July 30, 2022


“You will know pain” ~ Pain

Hym “The refusal of the people around me to acknowledge their complicity in my current situation is more of a problem than the situation itself. Why am I in my current situation? Well, your slut sister was running a sex cult for a piece of shit cripple who only escaped prison for touching little girls because he was a retard. I refused to sign off on the retard sex so, when it was made clear that I refuse to be appeased and that the cripple fucker disgusts me, I was excised without recourse. Why without recourse? Because you lied to defend him you piece of shit. You lied. My whore mother lied. You know you lied and you’re a piece of shit for doing it and if you would have helped me in the first place I also wouldn’t be in the situation. As parents, you don’t deserve to have a happy and functional family so I’M GOING TO WITHHOLD IT FROM YOU. You deserve the pain I’m going to inflict upon you. It’s the only way you will ever learn and by the time you learn it will already be too late. She lost a son the second she learn about the whore fucking that disabled piece of shit.”

by Hym Iam September 30, 2022


No. You go fuck yourself. No effort until I get credited and paid for my shit. My hours were slashed and if I get evicted I will kill a kid and then myself.

Hym "I don't care about pain. I don't care about any of this if I'm not going to credited and paid. I don't care about any of your self-help nonsense. You might as well stop wasting all of our time, come out and say you're not going to pay me, and get this over with. Not going to let you use this to get me to do what you want. Full divulging of all information. Public recognition of what I've been going through. I'm not doing anything until this is resolved. My place of employment is complicit. If they continue to starve me out I'm just doing to kill the first kid I get my hands on."

by Hym Iam June 17, 2024