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Games As A Service

Also known as Live Service games.

(Game Industry)The business practice of players not having control of whether they can play a game due to a company withholding that function.

A fraudulent business practice that doesn't provides neither goods nor services such as DLC's or Microtransaction items, such as cosmetic (skins, hairstyles etc) or game enhancing item (XP booster, weapons, additional item slots) .

Battlefront 2 is a Games As A Service

by Judas Mesiah April 27, 2019

A1 Gaming

A Gaming team owned by Elated

A1 gaming is the best gaming team

by Elated meerkat January 24, 2022

Band Games

Games played on the football (or other) field that make sense to band members and no one else, or are used as an irritant for band directors.

After a light rain when the field is slightly damp and other band games are exhausted, some band kids play the Art Band Game: they shuffle their feet around the field to make outlines of vulgar sentences and pictures that the band directors can see when standing at the top of the stands.

Favored types of art are things such as ovaries or penises.

by A Time Apart -- Trap A Emit A June 6, 2009

Ghetto Gaming

when you're playing a video game on something older than an xbox 360

Guy 1: duude brb gaming
Guy 2: It's Ghetto gaming if its a ps2man , you need an update.

by ckayelolz January 25, 2011

Thanks Game

A statement of frustration when it's a video game's mechanics and random number generators and not the player's own abilities that make a situation frustrating.

"Thanks Game for not having checkpoints in the middle of a LONG BOSS RUSH!" Table Flip ensues.

by TheGoodWario March 31, 2020

Beard game

How well groomed and sexy that royal mane looks like. A nice washed & oiled full groomed beard is what a game beard game is all about.

Damn is that Mike?! I almost didn't recognize nice him with that sexy lushcious mane.
His beard game is on point!

by BernardSaint February 3, 2019

Digg game

A game to be played on Digg.com, wherein the players try to post a comment that gets the most responses from grammar nazis. If the grammar nazis on Digg figure out that you are not serious, you are disqualified.

Digg game entrant No. 1:
~Yeah, your probaly going to move over their.

Digg grammar nazi responses:
~It should be probably, not probaly

~I hate it when people use "your" instead of "you're"


~use their moar

by stevie-gee November 10, 2008