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that makes me have sex

A popular comment on memes. It can be used on almost anything but generally means whatever the comment is on makes that person have sex.

That makes me HAVE SEX

by Darc Matta July 10, 2017

16πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

I have to work tonight

A phrase that a depressed person utters when his/her friends are inviting them to do something fun. It can be used as an excuse for getting out of doing something shitty, or, it's most commonly just a sad, honest response to the invitation.

Gary: Hey man, let's go watch monday night football tonight, then we can go play some intramural flag football afterwords.

Steve: I have to work tonight.

Gary: Wow, you must be depressed.

by JoeyRogue77 October 5, 2009

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have you shit the bed

A term used to mock someone when they are up early in the morning (meaning they aren't usually up early)

It's only 5am,have you shit the bed?

by Lee.w October 31, 2017

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

have a cat in hell's chance

To have absolutely no chance of achieving something.

Doesn’t sound like labour party have a cat in hell's chance to me.

by gRis>> August 16, 2009

I have crossed the rubicon

To pass a point of no return ; or To make a decision that can't be changed.

I have crossed the Rubicon; I will never work at walmart again.

by Sokerboi December 5, 2010

wanna have a good time?

A word used by famous Australian Pimp: Jesse Bauld
This word is now a popular catchphrase evrywhere!

"Wanna have a good Time?, with a beer?"

by PSEUDONYMNOOB July 17, 2012

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I don't have a clue.

You either don't know the answer, or you're pretending you don't.

Your girlfriend: Why is there another woman's thong under your bed?
You (looking shocked): I don't have a clue. Dog must have dragged it in from the yard.

by OK-KB January 7, 2012

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