He is a smart handsome guy really good at both sport and school he a a boy that girl would adore.
Leone Sun is smart.
He is a smart guy good at sport and school or work he is a guy who girls would adore.
Leone Sun is so smart.
Tanning your taint at the top of a mountain
Dude that hike was amazing, the Irish Sun Dance at the peak really topped it off!
When you reach the point that any more tanning is unhealthily or counterproductive.
I was outside tanning on my towel in the middle of the day in August. I'm definitely sun done.
When you pour a Capri Sun in your girlfriend or wife's vagina and begin to fuck her until you cum then proceed to drink it with a straw
Hey man, I heard you gave your wife a Nasty Capri Sun last night
This means you smell like sweat to filipinos and indonesians
Ew put some deodorant on, you smell like the sun!
A guy on Discord and Roblox who pretends he's a tank nerd and knows everything about guns but he only knows how to crash planes
When you play Roblox you act like The Sun.