You are single so everyday is single day!
Hoes mad ~ Vladamir Putin
International single day is like blin cyka!
"The break room was overrun with a storm of interns."
when someone fucks up repeatedly
John: you released the song early again? that is such an sm intern thing to do
A person who sleeps with a person in every nationallity and race
Girl 1:"I just sleep with a black guy and a Asian at the same time now I've had sex with everybody".
Guy 1:"wow, you are such a international slut".
Hello Good Morning If You See This Go Outside And Make BANGERS!!!
International Raider Day: Is for you!
As defined by international law when one yellith "Yoink" one now owns the object
obviously I used the international law of Yoink
When your cute Jordy boyfriend does something adorable, incredible, worth of praising, hot or all of the above. How to identify it? First of all, your boyfriend HAS to be named Jordan and be an INTJ. This is strictly requiered for the Internal Jordy Panick to take place. Secondly, as your Jordy does something amazing, you'll get a tingling sensation in your stomach, and will immediately want to hug him or kiss him, or even fuck him, or all of the above. And just shower him with love until
"My boyfriend just made such a brilliant obeservation. I'm having an internal Jordy Panick"