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white devil

any individual white person deemed dangerous or disingenuous by someone of another race

"that white devil acts friendly but looks crazy"

by E.L.L November 12, 2021

41๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

White Tee

Tee shirt of the color white. In urban areas, usually worn by thugs in an xl or larger size.

Yo, I got beer on my white tee!

by BC December 9, 2003

233๐Ÿ‘ 103๐Ÿ‘Ž

White Shit

Where you have been to pound town so many times in your ass, when you shit, 100% pure semen comes out.

Robert likes getting fucked in his ass so much, he probably has White Shit coming out the Waa-Zoo.

by JustinElderado December 4, 2010

91๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž

white fox

The white fox is rare but can still be found. A white fox is like a cougar that is older and has grey/white hair and is still attractive given her age. A white fox hunts for young men to hook up with in the same manner as a cougar. A white fox is usually in her 50's.

"Dude I got hit on by this hot gilf."
"She isn't a gilf she's a white fox."

by White Fox Hunter October 19, 2007

29๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

white sox

a team that represents coruption in sports i.e. blacksox and most belvoed member of their franchise is a crook ie "shoeless" joe jackson

the drunk white sox fan jumped on to the field and attacked a umpire with his son

by hoked on fonics October 25, 2005

556๐Ÿ‘ 263๐Ÿ‘Ž

white sox

despite having good players, they eather fall apart and miss the playoffs, or get swept in the 1st round every year.

The White Sox missed the playoffs by 3 games.
The White Sox got swept in the playoffs

by SoxItToEm March 29, 2004

556๐Ÿ‘ 263๐Ÿ‘Ž

white knoll

The school of schools. Full of every clique you could imagine. The preps, jocks, loser, stoners, poppers, gang bangers, sluts, whores, douchebags. All that good jazz. With fairly decent athletics and 'smart ones'. Full of life. Frequently on the news if not for the 'cafeteria cutting' or for the drama teacher demonstrating how gorrillas fuck, but also sometimes for those losers who actually do something good. But no one ever talks about that much. With a quite large pregnancy and drop out rate white knoll also has quite a drug bust going on daily. But, for those who attend its our white knoll and we love it til the end. However, its not like we go around campaigning that we go there. Cause its not much to be proud of. SO uh, Go T-Wolves?

"Dude. what the HELL is their issue?"
"They go to white knoll. "

"oh. i see."

by blahblahblahnahnah May 15, 2010

62๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž