Pier-Louis is a strong minded, loyal and intelligent person. Two very strong names but together make him unique and mysterious. He has a huge love for his family, a strong bound with his friends and a leader at work.
You can tell he’s a leader at work. He must be a Pier-Louis.
Synonym for bastard, asshole, dickhead
League of legends part-time lover
Doesn't know how to train legs so has a big condition of chicken legs.
Claims to be the perfect man referring him-self to superman despite not having black hair.
Thinks he is a genius but believes the world is flat.
Will steal your cat to make dog food that he will eat for protein.
That Louis is Rohan's little puppet but didn't get his chicken curry cause he was afraid of seeing his legs in the meal
The louis Kufferman theory is that the world is flat.
a man who suffers large traces of dumb. eats furballs for breakfast lunch and dinner
the kid is acting like a matthew louis
Louis Browning is to do insane stuff to a coco cola bottle and keep it in your room for months.
Lets go Louis Browning later!!
Fattest mother fucker alive with a perm, a rock hard belly, and a big 'ol cock. Also works at the VOC.
Uncle Louis has crazy eyes again... You know Steve is getting it this time!
the home of the SSC ROCK-A-CHAWS
There is only one school in Bay St. Louis