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Mr. Leaky

A 500 pound teacher that has a delicacy in his grand canyon sized crack. His delicacy is like a fried piece of butter, crunchy and gooey in the inside with puss oozing out of it.

I saw Mr. Leakys delicacy when he stud up in the class and bent over to help a student.

by carjame April 20, 2022

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mr underwood

A fat whale

That guy is a mr underwood.

by Ilove July 13, 2014

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mr. mutter

honestly scares people quite a lot. very weird, wacky xd type of earth science teacher. loves star wars more than his job and yells a lot for no apparent reason. some students think he's depressed due to his constant rambling about death and injury. says modern slang too often and thinks he created the dab.

MR. MUTTER : star wars aaaaaaaah xd
STUDENT: call the cops

by salmontoess May 4, 2018

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Mrs Charles

1) The most evil person in the world - ever.
2) The living reincarnation of Satan
3) Someone who:
a) Practises the act of voodoo
b) Randomly shouts out bursts of "African"
c) Is a freak who everyone fears.

1) Oh no, Mrs Charles is stalking me!!!
2) Mrs Charles is trying to take me to Hell.
3) Mum, our new neighbour is a Mrs Charles!!!

by Hiding in fear October 8, 2008

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mr movelook


Imagine not knowing mr movelook ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

by JoshuaYaBoi December 18, 2022

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Mr. Land

A pseudonym for the I.T. Guy that never fixes your electronic device in a quick and formal manner.

Mr. Land intentionally broke my computer and has been "working" to fix it for 3 weeks!

by Mr. Land\ November 3, 2016

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Mr Pillay

He should have been drafted for war as a recon sniper. He has a mighty field of view for electronic devices.

Why have I been called to the office?
'You need to see Mr Pillay'
**Soul leaves body**

by Mr Pillay Enjoyer September 4, 2022

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