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A girl that will use her friends and lie : example my best friend was a Madison she used me and told rumors she also likes to split friends apart so she’s the only one with friends!!

If you have a Madison in your life make sure she won’t use you ask her “ do you want to hang out with me or someone else” if she says someone else ask the person that she said to hang out then see if she will hang if she won’t then she’s a fake friend

by $;92’hfagp June 24, 2021


prob the ugliest asian you’ve ever met.

she so desperately wants to be white.

also probs a whore.

“hey bro who’s that ugly chick with the air forces?”

yikes bro that’s just madison”

by the og ladibug May 23, 2024


Harry styleslover.

“omg is that madison?? you know harry styles’ #1 girlfriend?!”

stop it, it is!!! she’s the love of his life!!”

by lolimharrysgirlfriend November 22, 2021


Madisons will always have a large penis. They can rawdog you even without a dick, but we all know that a Madison will be refined, funny, and have a penis that drags when they walk.

“Woah, I saw Madison get a boner? Their penis is so big it shot past God and broke the sound barrier.”

by whatswrongwithohio December 11, 2024


A hot ginger with gargantuan boobs, a tiny waist, and a resting bitch face

You check out that total Madison

by Ailwej111 May 30, 2024


So you found yourself a madison? Are you trying to better understand a madison? You have come to the right place. She is a mess. Her life, dreams and money are out of wack. She tries her best but doesn’t succeed. She talks too much. Yet she has a Haleigh for a friend so her life cannot be too bad.

Ugh it’s madison. When will she walk away???

by lol.lemons January 6, 2019


Madison’s are the most sexiest, beautiful, gorgeous, perfect person EVER! Madison’s on have two close friends! Madison’s will grow up to be actors, influencers! And models! Madison are uncommon names! Madison’s also Have a bright future ahead! Madison will make it into acting fast! Madison’s are class clowns in school! Also Madison’s are the smartest of their friend group! Madison’s will be the BEST a man/boy/male every had! Madison’s are the most loyal people on the planet! Madison’s have a possibility of having only 2-3 kids! But Madison’s is a man’s dream women!

Hey Madison, I saw that you were in the new show you were talking about!

Hey Madison, will you marry me!

by everlayahandonmeitsover November 23, 2021